Monday, March 30, 2015

Why Failing is Important

It is important to fail because you can learn from your mistakes. I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. All descriptions of reality are temporary hypothesis

Friday, March 20, 2015

Log Line

LOG LINE: This is the fight between the animation swag crew and the evil rotten, smelly, stinky fruits. The animation swag crew hones their awesome basketball skills, and beat the evil rotten, smelly, stinky fruits.
Farley Bryan is teaching Albert CiDEX how to animation. Farley Bryan begins by teaching Albert CiDEX the 12 Principles of Animation. Next, Farley Bryan assigns a project to Albert CiDEX. Albert CiDEX successfully completes the difficult assignment. and passes Farley Bryan's test. He then begins to animate a very complex basketball game. This is when he needs the help of his friends Michael Jordan and Farley Bryan.
Albert CiDEX creates a new type of game that is several decades ahead from the current year. This basketball game has a body scanner that scans the player's body, and creates a custom character for the player. Farley Bryan suggests to Albert CiDEX to try out the body scanner. So Albert CiDEX, Farley Bryan, and Michael Jordan all test the body scanner.
The body scanner malfunctions, and Albert CiDEX, Farley Bryan, and Michael Jordan all get sucked into the game. The only way to escape the game is to defeat all the teams, and defeat the champion team. Albert CiDEX, Farley Bryan, and Michael Jordan persevere through hardships and defeat the champion team and escape the video game.
Albert CiDEX, Farley Bryan, and Michael Jordan advertise the game and they all make so much money. Albert CiDEX, Farley Bryan, and Michael Jordan become the next richest billionaires in the world.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Movie Monday Privacy and Vulnerablility

1. The difference between empathy and sympathy is: empathy feels connections, while sympathy drives disconnection.
2. What the video means by a "silver lining" is that it "rarely does an empathetic response begin with the words 'at least'."
3. One tip about writing about someone smarter than you would be to make your character younger.
5. The three three surveillance philosophers that Glenn Greenwald discuss during his presentation are: Eric Schmidt (Google CEO),Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO), Jeremy Bentham (18th century philosopher).
6. Privacy matters, even when we are doing nothing wrong since we always have something inside of us that we need to hide and that if we shared it to the public, we would bring shame to ourselves.
7. Originally, Brown did not enjoy being called a storyteller since she was very insecure at that moment.
8.Brene Brown's was told the quote: "If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist."
9. Courage means having the ability to tell a story from their own heart.
10. It's not possible to numb emotions selectively.

Thursday, March 5, 2015



Spock: Hi, where am I?
Gabriel: You are at Earth, the most abundant planet in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Spock: What's Earth?
Gabriel: This is Earth.
Spock: What does Earth do?
Gabriel: Earth doesn't do anything.
Spock: Oh. Ok.
Gabriel: Oh I need to leave now! Bye!
Spock: Bye!