Thursday, June 11, 2015

2D Animation Final Exam

My favorite animated film is Toy Story 3. Toy Story 3 is my favorite animated film because Tom Hanks is one of the voice actors in it. Another reason why I like this animated film is because of the plot. The plot is very unique and interesting. Toy Story 3 is also filled with humor and action. I enjoy watching comedies and action films.

Your favorite animated series is the Green Lantern. I choose by answer by guessing. Because you showed us the Green Lantern, I assume you like it and it's your favorite. You like the series because it also follows a unique plot. You also like the series because it has very likable characters in it, such as Hal and Kilowat. You also like the series because of the cool green lantern rings.

My best work this year was my frog animation. My frog is green. He jumps really high. His name is John. John lives in a swamp and eats flies everyday. Below is a GIF of John jumping.

My last animation was an animation about how Farley Bryan's pet bird, Gypsy, was born. One day, two rare rainbow doves decided to have a baby. They asked each other if they wanted a baby. Both said yes. Then, the momma bird had an egg. They had the egg for about six months, and one day, it cracked. Once it cracked a head popped out. Gypsy was born!

Link to the Gypsy animation project:

3 things I did well: I drew the rainbow doves well.. I also created the perfect rainbow egg. Last but not least, I did the animation part well.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Birth of Gypsy

My animation is about a bird named Gypsy. He is a rainbow bird. Watch the GIF to learn how he was born.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

New Animation Project Logline and Acts

I will use adobe flash cs6 for my animation.
Logline: This is the interesting life of Farley Bryan's pet bird Gypsy.
 My story outline is:

Act 1: Once upon a time, a white dove, Farley Bryan's pet bird, named Gypsy, was born. Gypsy was the only child.Gypsy had a momma bird and daddy bird. One day, Gypsy falls out the window!
Act 2: Gypsy has not learned to fly yet. He must face the mysterious and scary outside world his parents told him about, and survive. He encounters many friendly and unfriendly creatures.
Act 3: Gypsy meets a pig in a barn, and the pig helps Gypsy back home.